Boomer's Fifties Teen Idol Magazine Letters to the Editor
Fifties and Sixties "Teen Pin-ups" Magazine ******** LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ------------------------- "1962" -------------------------
Likes the pics the best.
Straight to a new dance craze?
Dear Editor: "What d'ya mean Cynthia Pepper plays the piano by ear? Doesn't she have hands?" Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's what my stupid brother says. He's crazy. But he loves your magazine also and did he eat up the information on the girl movie stars! I'll tell you what else the brat did--he took out the picture of Linda Scott, and it was on the back of the fabulous pinup of James Darren, and he won't give it back. Besides that, we are both flippy about Teen Pin-Ups. Are the other issues going to be as great? We love it the way it is. Gotta go now, homework to do! Sue N., Queens, New York
Check back for more fifties teen letters.